Trademark - Only Love 【Lyrics】 2 a.m. and the rain is falling Here we are at the crossroads once again You're telling me you're so confused You can't make up your mind Is this meant to be You're asking me 【Chorus】 But only love can say - try again or walk away But I believe for you and me The sun will shine one day So I'll just play my part And pray you'll have a change of heart But I can't make you see it through That's something only love can do In your arms as the dawn is breaking Face to face and a thousand miles apart I've tried my best to make you see There's hope beyond the pain If we give enough, if we learn to trust 【Chorus】 I know if I could find the words To touch you deep inside You'd give our dream just one more chance Don't let this be our last good-bye 【Chorus】 That's something only love can do 很棒的一首歌 歌詞寫得很棒 意味著不管有多麼困難 只要真心付出 相信 愛有辦法可以改變的! 好好聽! 我又哭了... 可能最近報告趕很大 然後又愛裝閒~ 所以有點崩潰 總而言之~是一首很棒的歌...
Princess Mckayla falls for Tom Hiddleston
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